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Gaming => Dark Heresy => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 17 September 2009, 15:59:17

Title: Dark Herasy charactor generators on line.
Post by: EvilGinger on 17 September 2009, 15:59:17
This is the only one I have found so far its very basic but does take the chore out of character creation and work well within its limits. It does need finishing off in the old fashioned way but will allow people to rough out the game mechanics of a character idea very quickly.


Title: Re: Dark Herasy charactor generators on line.
Post by: morgalahan on 22 October 2009, 17:34:13
lol, made a random character that would be fun to play :D

WS:   29
BS:   39
S:   29
T:   30
Ag:   38
Int:   26
Per:   33
WP:   34
Fel:   32
Wounds:                    13
Fate Points:             2
Insanity Points:             0
Corruption Points:     0
Thrones:                    139
Name:                    Ophelia
Homeworld:             Imperial World
Career:                    Assassin
Rank:                            Sell-steel
Gender:                    Female
Build:                            Fit
Skin Color:                    Dark
Hair Color:                    Dyed
Eye Color:                    Blue
Age:                            35
Quirk:                    You have a duelling scar.
Planet of Birth:            Shrine World
Divination:                    The gun is mightier than the sword.
Starting XP:            400
Starting Package:    None

Traits: Blessed Ignorance, Hagiography, Litugical Familiarity, Superior Origins

Basic Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int) (Hagi.), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int) (Hagi.), Common Lore (War) (Int) (Hagi.), Literacy (Int) (Lit. Fam.), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int) (Lit. Fam.), Awareness (Per), Dodge (Ag)

Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)

Talents: Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (SP), Pistol Training (SP), Ambidextrous, Pistol Training (Las)

Gear: sword, knife, 3 doses of stimm, charge (corpse hair), black bodyglove (Common Quality Clothing), shotgun and 12 shells, compact las pistol and 1 charge pack, duelling foil safety cap (memento)

Special Qualities: None

Family: None

Some of the things like stats are random, other things I chose. All in all, it's a nice generator ^^

Title: Re: Dark Herasy charactor generators on line.
Post by: Hard Rain on 23 October 2009, 12:56:48
if you would like to I have places in my online game if you are interested.