Title: D6+Beer! Post by: Zarniwoop on 16 July 2013, 20:56:31 Quote D6+Beer! (https://www.facebook.com/D6PlusBeer?ref=stream) Is a monthly games night, held at the Furnace Inn on the third Thursday of the month. The evening kicks off at 6pm and runs until we're kicked out at closing time. No experience or ownership of modern games is necessary to play, but feel free to 'run what ya brung'. We generally play lighter, fun games, but more in-depth and complex games can be arranged. Everyone is welcome and there is no entry fee, however it's virtually a crime not to sample the fine ales available! Table space is currently a little limited, so games which sprawl or have huge boards may be tricky to accommodate, though we can try! Furnace Inn 9 Duke Street, DE1 3BX Derby |