Title: Spirit Gmes Figure Gaming Night Post by: EvilGinger on 30 June 2013, 17:53:20 Given the extra space for gaming at the new shop we have decided to merge the existing Malifaux night with the more recent Dreadball league warm ups into a figure gaming night, and to open the shop up to figures gaming in general. On every Tuesday from 7pm to 10.30
>:DGinger Title: Re: Spirit Gmes Figure Gaming Night Post by: EvilGinger on 21 July 2013, 05:33:45 I will be lugging my scenery & figures down to the shop for a Play test of Fantasy DUX this week
>:DGinger Title: Re: Spirit Gmes Figure Gaming Night Post by: EvilGinger on 23 July 2013, 06:00:17 May have to re think the Play test of DUX if the torrential rain keeps up as I dont have waterproof containers for all the scenery I will need to take along wit me. Still we have time for it to change so hoping for the best....
>:DGinger Title: Re: Spirit Gmes Figure Gaming Night Post by: EvilGinger on 23 July 2013, 19:10:17 Its on is all I have to say....
>:DGinger Title: Re: Spirit Gmes Figure Gaming Night Post by: EvilGinger on 24 July 2013, 01:25:29 That was rather interesting is all I can say in brief but I would like to thank Phil for transporting all my stuff to the shop, hosting the Play test & loan of a copy of the DUX BRITTANARIUM rules when I found I had left mine at home. Matt for playing his first Table top game in ages & for taking the pictures whilst I tried to remember the rules
I now need to work up something for leader backgrounds for Orcs & give it another outing soon. >:DGinger |