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Gaming Groups => Dark deeds in very dark places => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 20 July 2009, 20:22:04

Title: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: EvilGinger on 20 July 2009, 20:22:04
Having seemingly saved the Spire from goblin attack our intrepid Drow and their hangers on take stock, even then aware that there mysterious enemy expects reinforcements and with the Spire still lacking a garrison or repairs to  make the fortress secure. They are equally aware that the rest bite may be short lived and end in blood and savagery.....  


Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Sesion 3
Post by: EvilGinger on 15 August 2009, 00:59:09
I have had to move this from this week end 16/08/09 owing to having a hellish amount of paper work to do and being in spirit games all day Friday and Saturday with Steve as the A team is off at a track day.

Thanks for bearing with me


Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 16 August 2009, 01:45:32
No worries. Will wait with baited breath the twenty third, then.

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: Dat on 17 August 2009, 13:15:03
Rapple/Dapple/Dabble will be waiting for his return.

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 17 August 2009, 21:56:45
Rapple/Dapple/Dabble will be waiting for his return.

Is that his full name, then? Like a militant riki tiki tavi, eh? ^_^

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: Dat on 18 August 2009, 17:22:35
If people will allow it.

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: EvilGinger on 20 August 2009, 20:24:28
I certainly will as I cant remember his name any way or most other peoples/charactors for that matter its me age I fear

PS I will smite any one who agrees with the last bit


Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: morgalahan on 23 August 2009, 13:45:43
Just wanting to make sure that everything is going ahead as planned for last minute text messages saying that it's been canceled? Arrive at 6:00 - till about 10:30, as per usual?

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: EvilGinger on 23 August 2009, 16:24:00
No ones told me its cancelled yet and after the weekend of the hellish paper work that was last week end I need some gamers to take it out on especially as both Tiki & Phil both beat me at EVE conquests on Friday night

btw I am in a strange mood so  I command & lo Lolth patron of the drow awards you 250xp for your dedication to the cause

 >:D Ginger

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: morgalahan on 23 August 2009, 16:30:06
right...good...not sure I understood most of that message, but if everything's cool for tonight, then I'll see you around 6.

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: EvilGinger on 23 August 2009, 16:35:11
trust me understanding is the beginning of insanity so ignorance is a virtue

see you at six


Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: morgalahan on 23 August 2009, 16:43:15
I think perhaps, that a large portion of MY lack of understanding stems from YOUR lack of punctuation. The subtle nuances of a sentence cannot be grasped unless one employs the proper punctuation at the proper places. Understanding may then follow as the meaning conveyed is not squished together to form one amalgamous mass.

But regardless, I'll see you at six. :)

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: EvilGinger on 23 August 2009, 18:04:43
spelling like punctuation is for wimps 


Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: Dat on 24 August 2009, 15:34:14
I just assumed we were seeing EvilGinger's scrambled thought processes put directly to text. I just never brought this up because i wished to live another day.  ;)

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 24 August 2009, 22:36:39
Indeed, we've just seen a display of sheer iron fearlessness, my squirrelly brethren.

Title: Re: Dark deeds in deep places restart Session 3
Post by: EvilGinger on 25 August 2009, 05:54:19
Wot me harm a squiggle, squiggles is cute
