Title: Burton 'Toon' Game Coopers 25th Oct 7pm Post by: Zarniwoop on 21 October 2007, 15:32:43 I have been asked by Andy if I can get a game together for this Thurs to replace his postponed B5 Campaign which is now on the 1st Nov.
I am looking at several options (all of which will require me to do some serious h.w before Thurs :o ): Toon: (Cartoon RPG suitable for Sober/Drunk Players who like to have a laugh) Battlestar Galactica: Intro Adventure (for 4 players more if I generate extra characters but nor more then 6 in total) Don't Look Back: Sample Adventure, Modern Horror RPG. Red Dwarf: Intro Adventure (2-6 Players but would need to pre-gen) Title: Re: Burton Game Coopers 25th Oct 7pm Post by: Arnu on 22 October 2007, 19:20:46 I vote Toon I've always wanted to play Toon (or Red Dwarf if the Pre gen adventure is easier for you to run). Paul, Let me know if you need any help. Andie Title: Re: Burton Game Coopers 25th Oct 7pm Post by: Zarniwoop on 22 October 2007, 22:32:07 I vote Toon I've always wanted to play Toon (or Red Dwarf if the Pre gen adventure is easier for you to run). Paul, Let me know if you need any help. Andie TOON I can do, really simple rules (mostly) and simple games to run.. Red Dwarf is a more complicated rule set which would require much more reading, much like BSG... Should make it an easier start to my first official meetup DM ;) .... I'll drop a note to Jim to add it to the calendar. We can roll up characters on the night, should not take long and helps people get a quick sense of the rules etc. ;D |