Title: Raiders VII Post by: EvilGinger on 12 July 2009, 11:53:00 vote of thanks to the committee who have been mad enough to do it for a seventh!!! time well done and thank you
and when is Raiders VIII because I for one cant wait >:DGinger Title: Re: Raiders VII Post by: EvilGinger on 12 July 2009, 11:53:47 I shall hide now
Title: Re: Raiders VII Post by: Oskar on 12 July 2009, 21:15:51 Hi there,
Yes I can't quite believe we have done 7 already, glad you enjoyed it, Raiders VIII will be on September 19th 2009, Dates for December & 2010 will be available on the website soon.......watch this space. Oskar. Title: Re: Raiders VII Post by: Zarniwoop on 14 July 2009, 10:08:05 Thankyou
The 7th day went extremely well with everyone, I hope, having a great day of gaming. We had a pretty good turn out with several larger games being played along with a mystery playtest game. Thanks again to the Salvation Army for providing the Hall and facilities. It was great to see some old and new faces at the event look forward to seeing you all again in Sept for Day VIII Thankyou |