Title: Before the Sun Rises - Final Chapter Episode 6 Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 08 July 2009, 03:52:38 Cracking open the iron door, you delved inside the ancient risen temple. The simple horror of a crab that cried with a child's voice was almost enough to break Robin, but you pushed onwards. You found Kalarel's guards, what few remained of them. Loyalty strained to breaking point by 'Sister Linora' taking an impromptue snack, not to mention the sudden ghoul-attack, the Hobgoblins did not question your shoddily delivered password.
When Sesk offered to help bind the injured Hobgoblin's wounds, his ally even warned you of the traps that the next chamber held. This is where you find yourselves; The dark chamber, with deep water sloshing beneath the iron grill of the floor. The articulated statue demolished, the extent of the Water-Serpent trap mapped out. All that is required is for you to cross the twenty foot of room that remains unimpeded, and you will surely find yourself face to face with Kalarel's most trusted lieutenants... Same Time, Same Place; Spirit games, 7pm onwards. |