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Gaming => Battlestar Galactica => Topic started by: CrazyFrog on 07 July 2009, 09:24:29

Title: The STIG in space
Post by: CrazyFrog on 07 July 2009, 09:24:29
I know I'm going to get lots of grief for this post, but when I saw it on the BSG EBay auction I thought it was a classic.

Some say he was an alien.
Some say he could be a toaster (none talking bread grilling appliance type)
All I know is he wasnt a very good viper jock.

So Say We All

(BSG Viper Nameplate Ens Oliver "Stig" Gittes)

Title: Re: The STIG in space
Post by: EvilGinger on 07 July 2009, 20:59:21
I give up your incorrigible

Hope that you managed to buy it in said e-bay thingy fest
