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Gaming => Wings Of War => Topic started by: whitefire on 02 July 2009, 14:52:12

Title: Wings of War - Battle Mat
Post by: whitefire on 02 July 2009, 14:52:12
I noticed that Phil has got a couple of battle mats in for Wings of War. They are just under £30 each at regular price - so even after discounts etc they are still expensive.

They appear to be 68cm x 98 cm - roughly 2.25' x 3.2' ish... each. so for a 4.5' x 3.2' battle mat it would set you back nearly £60.....

I have already started discussions with a couple of interested parties (Hannah being one of them) about how to do battlemats nice and cheap. Seems to be relatively easy, and certainly a lot cheaper than the price of the official mats, with better size options too...

Title: Re: Wings of War - Battle Mat
Post by: CrazyFrog on 02 July 2009, 15:55:20
I know that Richard as bought 1 of each mat.

I'll ask if they could be borrowed for Raiders maybe ?

Title: Re: Wings of War - Battle Mat
Post by: EvilGinger on 04 July 2009, 15:16:35
Phil would I think appreciate a local supplier of other types of battle mat as Chessex seem to stop lines at random,  and then there are maps for star wars and similar games to be considered.


Ps Whitefire could you PM me about the price of Printed Polo shirts as I could do with some uniform for HomePapers