Title: Wings of War - Battle Mat Post by: whitefire on 02 July 2009, 14:52:12 I noticed that Phil has got a couple of battle mats in for Wings of War. They are just under £30 each at regular price - so even after discounts etc they are still expensive.
They appear to be 68cm x 98 cm - roughly 2.25' x 3.2' ish... each. so for a 4.5' x 3.2' battle mat it would set you back nearly £60..... I have already started discussions with a couple of interested parties (Hannah being one of them) about how to do battlemats nice and cheap. Seems to be relatively easy, and certainly a lot cheaper than the price of the official mats, with better size options too... Title: Re: Wings of War - Battle Mat Post by: CrazyFrog on 02 July 2009, 15:55:20 I know that Richard as bought 1 of each mat.
I'll ask if they could be borrowed for Raiders maybe ? Title: Re: Wings of War - Battle Mat Post by: EvilGinger on 04 July 2009, 15:16:35 Phil would I think appreciate a local supplier of other types of battle mat as Chessex seem to stop lines at random, and then there are maps for star wars and similar games to be considered.
>:DGinger Ps Whitefire could you PM me about the price of Printed Polo shirts as I could do with some uniform for HomePapers |