Title: Dux Britanarim - fantasy version Re Try Post by: EvilGinger on 07 May 2013, 12:52:19 I will be running a play test of a fantasy version of Dux Brit - rescheduled form the previous week.
>:DGinger Title: Re: Dux Britanarim - fantasy version Re Try Post by: EvilGinger on 10 May 2013, 05:27:35 I will be furiously assembling the Orc & Goblin warband over the week end & dragging my Dux scenery down to Spirit in lulls between the rain.
I hope you will pop a long and give it a try. >:DGinger Title: Re: Dux Britanarim - fantasy version Re Try Post by: EvilGinger on 13 May 2013, 16:05:26 Have added an additional group of lesser Goblins to the Orc & Goblin Starter force after a solo play test where the two groups they had in it evaporated when caught by Romano British levy, who could Shield wall & had numbers on them.
>:DGinger Title: Re: Dux Britanarim - fantasy version Re Try Post by: EvilGinger on 14 May 2013, 05:37:34 I may have to put this off again as I need to build afore mentioned extra group of lesser goblins as my building time was rather spent board gaming at the new shop this Sunday.
>:DGinger |