Title: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games Post by: Spirit Games on 02 May 2013, 12:00:09 Spirit Games Website Whats New for RPG
Overview : Spirit Games, supplying gamers with board games, card games, roleplaying games, d20, wargames and miniatures, for 20 years. Website : http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/disp.php?menu=1&sub=n Rifts Vampires Sourcebook Direct link : http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=1&sub=n&game=6958 Vampires Sourcebook is the epic companion to Rifts Vampires Kingdoms. It takes an in-depth look at notable heroes of Mexico such as Doc Reid and the famous Reid's Rangers, other Vampire Hunters, Hero Necromancers, the Maya deity Camazotz, Werejammers and other Werecats, Fort Reid, Silver City, Tampico Protectorate, and many, many others. The Vampires Sourcebook brings to life the Vampire Lands of Mexico and seethes with conflict and adventure. Vampire Hunter weapons and equipment Techno-Wizard weapons and special gear Lemurian gifts to better fight vampires The horror of Soulcrafting and Dark Weapons New types of Vampire Hunters, strategies and tactics Hero Necromancers and their role in fighting vampires Fort Reid, an entire city devoted to hunting the undead Stats and history for Doc Reid and the leaders of Reid's Rangers Deathspike - the vampires' own high-tech answer to Vampire Hunters The Yucatan Peninsula and its many monsters and mysteries Werejammer Vampire Hunters and other werebeasts Human strongholds such as Tampico, Monterrey, Silver City and others Desert survival rules, countless ideas for adventure and more Magic World RPG Direct link : http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=1&sub=n&game=6939 Storytelling is the most ancient art in which humanity still engages. From time immemorial we have gathered in groups to engage in the myths and legends of our people. From the hearth fires of ancient tribes to the glittering cineplexes down the street, stories help us to understand who we were, who we are, and who we wish to be. MAGIC WORLD is a complete set of rules allowing you and your friends to tell astounding stories of fantasy and myth. The rules codify what actions are available within the game, while remaining intuitive so that they do not get in the way of your enjoyment of the stories. The rules to MAGIC WORLD are easily remembered. Most tasks can be resolved with a single roll of the dice. Character creation is quick and intuitive, with numerous options as to character race, skills, etc. But don't take our word for it. Grab some dice and friends, make some characters and forge the stuff of legends! The House of R'Lyeh Direct link : http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/single.php?menu=1&sub=n&game=6957 Five Scenarios Based On Tales By HP Lovecraft... The House of R'lyeh The House of R'lyeh contains five Call of Cthulhu scenarios that follow or expand upon events in five of HP Lovecraft's stories: "Pickman's Model", "The Haunter of the Dark", "The Hound", "Arthur Jermyn", and "The Nameless City". Set in Boston, Providence, the British Isles, continental Europe, and the Middle East, none of the scenarios need be played at set dates or in a set order, but they could be run in the order presented to form a loose campaign using optional links between scenarios to draw investigators from one to the other. Alternatively, the scenarios may be used to supplement classic Call of Cthulhu campaigns such as The Shadow of Yog-Sothoth which suggests that its component scenarios should be interspersed with others Title: Re: SG: New Roleplaying Games at Spirit Games Post by: EvilGinger on 03 May 2013, 17:01:19 Had a quick look at Magic world yesterday in the Shop & it looks very promising for a gritty Runequest style of fantasy RPG game.
As I already have Basic Role-playing I may well pick it up & give it a go >:DGinger |