Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 24 April 2013, 20:43:17

Title: Leaving 114-115 Station Street
Post by: EvilGinger on 24 April 2013, 20:43:17
Come along & for the sake of all that's good & holly buy something so we dont have to move it, please.

Seriously lets have a bumper day to send the old shop off in style.


Title: Re: Leaving 114-115 Station Street
Post by: EvilGinger on 04 May 2013, 01:36:29
come along & buy stuff so we dont have to move it & then stay to help move the rest.


Title: Re: Leaving 114-115 Station Street
Post by: EvilGinger on 05 May 2013, 05:59:25
The opportunity to buy stuff so we dont have to move it  is over but there is still lots of opportunity to take part in the operation, it also gives you a sneak peak at the new shop as well.


Title: Re: Leaving 114-115 Station Street
Post by: EvilGinger on 05 May 2013, 13:28:28
the Move continues...
