Title: 7th December: Dragonmeet 2013, Post by: RSSFeeder on 15 March 2013, 18:00:02 7th December: Dragonmeet 2013,
Held at Kensington Town Hall, London. To quote the organisers: "Once again, Kensington Town Hall will be hosting London’s foremost roleplaying, board game and collectable card gaming convention. ... Whether you want to play old favourites with friends or to try something new, whether it’s attending industry panels, or having your books signed by the designers, picking up an art print of your favourite game book cover or indeed the original painting, making new friends and hanging out with fellow gamers - it’s all here! Dragonmeet 2013 has an on-the-day sign-up system for demo and participation ... We also have a full schedule of panels, seminars, and other events going on throughout the day in addition to our great selection of traders and special guests!" More details are available on the website (http://www.dragonmeet.com) Source: 7th December: Dragonmeet 2013, (http://www.dragonmeet.co.uk/) |