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Gaming Groups => Previous Spirit Games Events => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 27 February 2013, 20:41:40

Title: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 February 2013, 20:41:40
We now it would seem have a thriving RPG night on our hands with Pathfinder,  Deadlands &  Hackmaster up & running alternating, with space for one or two more games depending on the week. In the offing we have Don't look back Traveller, Dungeon crawl classics the new Starwars & much else besides.

I am also considering running such miniatures campaign games as Mordheim & Dux Bretanarium & of course Algernon  pulls it off again.

 >:D Ginger

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 March 2013, 21:11:01
Changed the title to the correct one


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Jamie on 17 March 2013, 23:03:50
Sadly, there will be no Pathfinder this week because I shall be in Northamptonshire.

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 18 March 2013, 06:20:56
Shall have so sulk now


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Gendrill on 18 March 2013, 12:45:19
So are we going to have a very large Hackmaster, a very large Star Wars, two smaller groups of Hackmaster and Star Wars or is someone else going to drop something in?  +:dontknow=+::dontknow:

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 18 March 2013, 14:44:46
I really dont know as that would require a plan & I am too busy sulking about missing my Pathfinder fix to make any sort of plan

though I do have  the Funnel charactors I created for Dungeon Crawl Classics.....


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Jamie on 18 March 2013, 15:42:07
An option might be for Vince and I to swap to two weeks Deadlands then two weeks Pathfinder.

I would miss a session of Deadlands but I'm okay with that.

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 18 March 2013, 22:52:05
Would work for me & missing Deadlands would be appropriate punishment for going gallivanting.

I shall still be sulking because I have not had a good sulk in ages


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 19 March 2013, 02:14:12
Well, I ran the basics past Vince. He seems fine with it in theory, will just have to sort out specifics on Wednesday or something though.
Wednesday this week was looking to be Betrayal at House on the Hill, right?

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Gendrill on 20 March 2013, 14:10:46
Ok will prep for Star Wars as the normal standby then  ;)

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Jamie on 20 March 2013, 15:54:23
Yep.  Betrayal tonight.

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Gendrill on 26 March 2013, 14:03:27
Hey guys, sorry for the relatively short notice but I will not be able to make it Thursday, I have a flu bug that seemed to be hovering in the background for a few weeks but yesterday it decided to come out with all guns blazing, result, am now sneezing, coughing, aching and wondering how long it will take to fill a bath from what is running out my nose! Basically I feel like **** and am not up to even turning up Thursday, let alone run a game!  +:ill=+::ill:

Am meant to be heading back to Wales on the weekend too, both this bug and weather permitting, and as it is MOT time for the car am not expecting to be back for about a month this time either! So serious bummer all round  :( Again sorry for any hassle this causes, will be back early May hopefully and will pick up the Star Wars then.

Good luck with the shop move to the new location and hope to see you all in about a month or so, will post when back in Burton *waves*

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Dat on 26 March 2013, 14:38:45
That's a shame, hope you get better. See you in a month anyway for more roleplaying madness. TTFN!  +:wave=+::wave:

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 26 March 2013, 18:41:29
Get well soon old chap


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 March 2013, 06:24:08
In which case given that Jamie is also Awol I think we will be doing Dusts Deadlands & Walruses HackMaster


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 27 March 2013, 19:46:48
Yeah, I think Deadlands for a second week in a row was the plan. Should be entertaining.

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 March 2013, 22:40:44
I know I shall miss my fix of pathfinder even thought I am thoroughly enjoying Walrus's Hackmaster its easy to get spoilt by the easy availability of healing in Pathfinder. in Haskmaster especially as neither of the charactors is a front rank fighter & neither has first aid let alone any thing like healing magic so we hurt & bleed quite a bit.

So volunteers wanting to play a cleric & or  a fighter would be welcome......


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Walrus on 28 March 2013, 18:26:02
Might be difficult to do my Hackmaster as I have not brought it in with me!! Did not see this message until 28th 4pm - should check more often. Could char gen Hackmaster if another rule book could be found or do a little Pathfinder. Anyone else have options?

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 28 March 2013, 19:58:45
Blast, If I had realised I could have bought my books. have to think of something....
