Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 20 February 2013, 14:57:04

Title: Summer Stabcon 2013
Post by: Zarniwoop on 20 February 2013, 14:57:04
5th-7th July: Summer Stabcon 2013

Stabcon is a long-running twice yearly games convention in Manchester, currently held at the Britannia Hotel, Dialstone Lane, Stockport, providing the chance to get together with like-minded people and – surprise, surprise - play games.

Registration can either be taken for the weekend or by the day. The Britannia Hotel has a large amount of conference space and all the usual facilities including a leisure centre with pool. There is a private bar available for Stabcon attendees.

Hotel rooms can be booked as part of the convention booking process, as well as breakfast and/or evening meals.

A Yahoo e-group "stabconinfo" also exists for circulation of information, booking forms etc.

Please note, the address give here is for the Britannia Hotel where the convention is held - not for convention correspondence or payments.

Source: 5th-7th July: Summer Stabcon 2013