Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Battlestar Galactica => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 08 October 2007, 01:08:18

Title: Sample Adventure From Quck Start Rules
Post by: Zarniwoop on 08 October 2007, 01:08:18
Hi Gang,

who would be interested in playing the sample adventure from the Quick Start Rules?

It Currently has 4 pre-generated characters and I could add another 2 characters I guess (not fully read the thing yet)
Or if people have the book they could generate their own. (I will post a list of the 4 charactes basic info soon)

It will be played at the normal Burton rpg meet when I am ready and there is a free slot in the schedule.

Title: Re: Sample Adventure From Quck Start Rules
Post by: Arnu on 10 October 2007, 22:01:58

I would definatly be interested in playing a BSG RPG game.

The B5 game could run for quite a few weeks so you may wish to run this in addition to the existing game.

Title: Re: Sample Adventure From Quck Start Rules
Post by: CrazyFrog on 13 December 2007, 13:17:54
I'd love to have a go at toaster bashing.   :)

Title: Re: Sample Adventure From Quck Start Rules
Post by: EvilGinger on 17 March 2008, 09:42:41
would like to give it a go even if the series drove me nuts with its abrehamic religious theme taking over