Title: Attachments? Post by: whitefire on 04 October 2007, 20:34:34 Paul
If I wanted to put campaign notes on here what would I do? I have saved stuff into Word files (I could make them pdf's if that'd be better.... Title: Re: Attachments? Post by: Zarniwoop on 04 October 2007, 20:54:30 Depends on size, I'm limited on size as this is my "free" webspace and currently plusnet do not provide a pay as you go expansion option. So best option is to cut & paste into message for now.
If things pick up here I may look into a proper hosted option with more bandwidth allowance and space but wanted to gauge interest before I start investing in things like that... Currently I have a 250MB limit, so if the file sizes are relatively small then no problem but obviously I have to keep a careful eye on space usage. As for campaigns notes if you want any specific ones adding here I can create sub-forums from the relevant game area (like I did with ptolus) I can also make you a moderator of that area so you can tweak messages and topics to suit your needs. (If you want moderator privildges for the Ptolus area let me know). Title: Re: Attachments? Post by: Zarniwoop on 08 October 2007, 14:57:39 The other way Jim is if the files are on meetup you could just post a link to them in a message (thats how I added the ptolus pictures to the messages on here)
I have done exactly this for the session 6 entry for ptohus on this forum [http://ccgi.lefthandrule.plus.com/bbbb/index.php?topic=57.0 (http://ccgi.lefthandrule.plus.com/bbbb/index.php?topic=57.0)]. (You had moderator rights so modify the messages to see how it was done). |