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Gaming => Roleplaying => Topic started by: carldjcross on 09 April 2009, 22:13:26

Title: Co-creator of D&D dies
Post by: carldjcross on 09 April 2009, 22:13:26
Dave Arneson dies at 61.

I wonder if he was hanging on just to outlast Gary?

Title: Re: Co-creator of D&D dies
Post by: EvilGinger on 10 April 2009, 08:40:48
quite possibly since I believe they had a massive falling out at some point in the 1980's


Title: Re: Co-creator of D&D dies
Post by: carldjcross on 10 April 2009, 21:27:02
quite possibly since I believe they had a massive falling out at some point in the 1980's


And then some. I believe he had to sue several times just to be co-credited on D&D or his work on that and Chainmail.

Always reminded me of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Sad, but strangely appropiuate that they should go so close to each other.