Title: Talisman: the Reaper Post by: carldjcross on 02 April 2009, 22:47:50 (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/image/comgames/4255.jpg) (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/gamesin.php?UniqueNo=4255)
The expansion adds a bunch of new cards and characters but more importantly a new ghostly presence on the board, the Reaper himself. The Reaper is moved on a movement roll of 1 by the active player. If the Reaper lands on a player character they roll on a table and anything from gaining strength or craft to instant lose-all-your-lives-and-turn-in-your-character-now death happens. All of which adds a welcome element of danger to the Talisman experience. Title: Re: Talisman: the Reaper Post by: pagbsc on 05 April 2009, 11:17:13 Played with this expansion at the Raiders and have to say I did like the added element of death, gave the game a bit more of urgency for the players.
Title: Re: Talisman: the Reaper Post by: Dat on 06 April 2009, 19:20:59 ..Possibly killed people too often though. On a game of over 4 players, it might be worth trying out things like rolling two dice and taking the highest score for the Reapers' table. This way, only a snake eyes will kill any unlucky player instead of the 4 out of 8 at Raiders recently. Any other suggestions or opinions for this expansion?
Title: Re: Talisman: the Reaper Post by: carldjcross on 06 April 2009, 21:54:10 Good suggestion it is pretty lethal, but then I guess that is the point.
The Fate tokens go a long way towards mitigating the completely lethal nature of the Reaper. Mind you I did manage to throw two consecutive ones killing my poor Priestess outright at Raiders! :-[ How about bargaining with the Reaper so that instead of taking your livesit takes maybe a strength and craft instead if you have already used all of your Fate tokens? It would have to be something that really, really hurt though. :'( If you wanted to be a wuss or play with children I suppose you could always lose a life as normal instead I guess. Title: Re: Talisman: the Reaper Post by: pagbsc on 06 April 2009, 22:06:18 Challenge the Reaper to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors as your final chance ;D