Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Raiders of the Game Cupboard Gallery => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 01 January 2013, 15:20:20

Title: 21. Raiders Gallery Day XXI
Post by: Zarniwoop on 01 January 2013, 15:20:20
Pictures from Raiders Day XXI (Our Birthday Event 21 Events over 5 years!!!)

Google Gallery for Day XXI  (

Title: Re: 21. Raiders Day XXI
Post by: EvilGinger on 01 January 2013, 18:12:33
Still bothering folks for more pictures but perhaps the Committee should appoint an official Photographer as gamers tend to get drawn into gaming & forget that sort of important but ancillary stuff. I also believe one of the committees members other hobby is photography.

Still keep up the good work & dont forget Beer & lard & the Birthday bash will be nipping at your heels.
