Title: FFG:Mimic, Book Two of The Identity Trilogy Is Now Available Post by: RSSFeeder on 29 December 2012, 15:00:05 Mimic, Book Two of The Identity Trilogy Is Now Available
Investigate the World of Android with Detective Drake 3GI2RC I couldn’t permanently harm the men I was after. I also couldn’t communicate with them because access to their comm was blocked. I held my left hand high and broadcast an image of my badge with scrolling ID under it, leaving it in place in the air before me and controlled by my onboard PAD as I reached The men stopped working and pointed at me as I pressed the controls of the airbelt. The airbelt lifted me from the ground and shot me toward the wreckage. Two of the suspects nearest me pulled laser pistols and took aim. They didn’t use slug-throwers because the resulting recoil would wreak havoc on them in the microgravity. Laser pistols didn’t have a recoil issue. Mimic, written by Mel Odom and the second novel in The Identity Trilogy, is now on sale at your local bookseller, our webstore, and digitally for your Nook, Kindle, and iOS device! Detective Drake’s Investigation Continues In the future, the world has changed, but crime has not. Mimic is set in the gritty, cyber-noir world of Android. The story of New Angeles Detective Drake 3GI2RC continues as he navigates the tangled web of lies and corruption that lie in wait around every corner. Drake is not your average Bioroid. First, he’s one of the New Angeles Police Department’s few android cops, and second, he’s haunted by the memories of another man, Simon Blake. Still struggling with questions about his identity, Drake continues to seek answers about his identity: where does his programming end, and his own personality begin? For more information on this tale of cyberpunk noir, visit our website for The Identity Trilogy and check out our previews of the first and second chapters. Then head to your local retailer or visit our webstore to pick up or download your copy today! ...Source: Mimic, Book Two of The Identity Trilogy Is Now Available (http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3838) |