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Gaming Groups => Previous Spirit Games Events => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 26 December 2012, 08:34:32

Title: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 26 December 2012, 08:34:32
The first of a new year

This is developing rather nicely we have had a good session every week so far with Regular games of Pathfinder by Jamie, Dungeon crawl Classics, by Whitefire, Don't look back by Zarni ,  Deadlands, by Pixie  & HackMaster & Deathwatch, by me. We also have in the wings Traveller by Whitefire

come along to Spirit Games after 7pm & join the fun......


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 01 January 2013, 18:50:04
Just to say that we are going to have to do a bit of planing this week as we have a number of games running or which are about to restart & we need to sort out what where.

I would also rather like to know when the reinforcements are arriving from Cardiff as I suspect that will determine the Hackmaster Schedule & I believe they had some interest in Pathfinder as well......


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Gendrill on 03 January 2013, 14:11:39
Puff… Puff… Reinforcements here sir!  ;)

Sorry guys been a hectic couple of weeks that have sadly resulted in me missing several sessions and the Raiders event  :( but I will be there tonight.

Would love to play Pathfinder and will bring along a level one character just in case the option is available but would be happy to keep the Hackmaster moving along as well so will turn up around 7pm and happily sit in where I would be most beneficial.

I am back to Wales again next week though so will be MIA again for two weeks then sorry.

See you tonight guys  +:thumbup=+::thumbup:

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Zarniwoop on 03 January 2013, 16:24:03
Well if it helps shake out the options, I will not be going tonight as I have hardly been home over xmas/new year with either Work  +:bandhead=+::banghead: or fun :)

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 January 2013, 19:51:05
Take care Zarni & I will see Gendrill there. I am sure if the Jamie the Gm for the Pathfinder game is there tonight then I am sure he can fit in another first level character as we have quite literally had one session so far & not done all that much.

I will have my Hackmaster stuff along & my Iron kingdoms stuff is already at the shop.


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 04 January 2013, 01:28:15
"You all best not be trying to get rid of my halfling. It would be impolite to have to eat my allies."

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 04 January 2013, 02:04:49
"I am of a mind that your halfling will get rid of himself in short order if he doesn't take a bit of care...."
Kerias Aminor


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Jamie on 04 January 2013, 15:27:54
Perhaps we have learnt something about lowering the most squishy member of the party into unknown peril.

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 04 January 2013, 18:36:37
Possibly though we need to have a more robust  person to dangle into such situations I think the halfling should take a level of fighter or a few.


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 05 January 2013, 02:11:18
I have also sorted out a replacement for Kerias should the poor cleric become one with his god unexpectedly.....

There is also I think a definite vacancy for a campaign chronicler on here as cool stuff is being done & no one is writing it down, not to mention that its a prestige class for Pathfinder ;)


Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 06 January 2013, 01:56:55
Perhaps we have learnt something about lowering the most squishy member of the party into unknown peril.

We have learnt that the Halfling will totally volunteer for that to happen, regardless of the inevitable outcome. :)

Possibly though we need to have a more robust  person to dangle into such situations I think the halfling should take a level of fighter or a few.


First Rule of Summoner Club; Do not give up levels of summoner.
Second Rule of Summoner Club; DO NOT GIVE UP LEVELS OF SUMMONER.

Also, if durable is the goal, Fighter would still probably not be the best class to achieve that, admittedly at a guess.

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 06 January 2013, 06:39:22
I concede, you both have a point there, but isn't very low wisdom score a wonderful aid to role-playing.....



Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: Jamie on 07 January 2013, 03:10:18
I've done reports for the first three sessions.  Hope you enjoy.

Title: Re: Spirit Games RPG Night
Post by: EvilGinger on 07 January 2013, 07:02:30
I did & I am looking forward both to the next session & the next write up all good stuff
