Title: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell - Episode; Riddles and Graves Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 25 March 2009, 19:16:59 Secrets and nightmares, and a cliff-hanging riddle! Do the party have a clue between them? Can they start fire by rubbing two boy-scouts together? Will the perforated halfling ever go scouting in confidence again?
Who knows! Maybe we'll find out, maybe they'll all die horribly in a ridiculously complex death-trap. Maybe they'll have a spot of breakfast, instead. ...Eggs, anyone? (Full House, existing players only, folks.) Venue; Spirit Games Snacks; Likely Time; April Fools, Assemble from 7, as per usual. Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell - Episode; Riddles and Graves Post by: Dat on 30 March 2009, 18:37:17 Hey, for people who want less combat orientated stuff, you can solve that riddle/inscription on whatever that thing was (& discuss in character?). Come to think of it, i could do with reminding what we saw in that room at the end of the session..
Also, it'll be a day dedicated to people like me. +:birthday=+::birthday: Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell - Episode; Riddles and Graves Post by: EvilGinger on 30 March 2009, 21:52:29 happy birthday Dat we will have to celebrate a bit on weekly tone lowering day as I will now call it
>:DGinger Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell - Episode; Riddles and Graves Post by: Dat on 31 March 2009, 13:55:18 It's every fools' birthday on April 1st. ::)
Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell - Episode; Riddles and Graves Post by: Tombwalker on 18 October 2009, 12:24:24 Grr. Hey, thats' Chelltigers birthday n she ain't no fool though she may have married one.
Apart from that, Happy Birthday. Will have to bake! +:beer=+::beer: |