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Gaming Groups => Previous Spirit Games Events => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 19 December 2012, 07:11:26

Title: The origional 1980's version of Civilization
Post by: EvilGinger on 19 December 2012, 07:11:26
There will be a special game of the 1980 Civilization game in the shop on Saturday as its owner can't make Sunday all are welcome I think it plays 5-6 & perhaps we might get a couple of games of this classic.


Title: Re: The origional 1980's version of Civilization
Post by: EvilGinger on 20 December 2012, 17:09:37
Postponed by the organiser - Marty Par well known idiot of this parish as he did not ask Phil about the availability of the shop as a venue but it will run soon as said "organiser" recovers form his educational beating  +:angryfire=+::angryfire:. I was really looking forward to this, If he carries on like this he will be worse than "Slasher"
