Title: FFG:Behold the Mother of Dragons Post by: RSSFeeder on 18 December 2012, 03:00:10 Behold the Mother of Dragons
Retailers, Support Your A Game of Thrones Players with Game Night Kits “As the rumor of living dragons had spread through the east, ever more seekers had come to learn if the tale was true-and Xaro Xhoan Daxos saw to it that the great and the humble alike offered some token to the Mother of Dragons.”
Retailers: You’ll soon be able to support your local player base with our new Season One 2013 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Game Night Kits that feature exciting alternate art cards. Along with a deck box, two sets of House Stark power tokens, and a promotional poster, these kits introduce new alternate art cards for the two of the game’s most popular cards, Valar Morghulis (Core Set, 201) and Daenerys Targaryen (Queen of Dragons, 22). A New Vision for Westeros Season One steers our A Game of Thrones Game Night Kits in a bold new direction. We’re increasing the collectible claim value of each kit by introducing exclusive, alternate art cards. A Game of Thrones: The Card Game features artwork by some of the best fantasy artists in the business. In Season One, we’re showing off some of their best work on two of the game’s most popular cards. Each A Game of Thrones Game Night Kit includes nine copies of an alternate art Valar Morghulis card and two copies of an alternate art Daenerys Targaryen. These cards won’t function any differently than the standard copies, but they will feature full-bleed graphic design that puts their stunning new artwork front and center! These alternate art versions of Valar Morghulis and Daenerys Targaryen are exclusive to the Season One A Game of Thrones Game Night Kits and can help draw players to your store to vie for the Iron Throne! What’s in the Season One 2013 A Game of Thrones Game Night Kit? Each Season One 2013 A Game of Thrones Game Night Kit comes with materials built to support eight players through their battles, intrigues, and bids for power:
*The ninth copy of the alternate art Valar Morghulis and second copy of Daenerys Targaryen are intended as rewards for the Game Night organizer. Are You a Player? You can do your part by telling your favorite local game store about our A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Game Night Kits! If you’re really interested, here are some other ways you can promote A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Game Nights:
The Valar Morghulis and Daenerys Targaryen alternate art cards are exclusive to the Season One 2013 A Game of Thrones Game Night Kits. They will be available only for a limited period of time and won’t appear anywhere else, so be sure to talk with your local retailer about hosting Game Nights for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Check Back on January 14, 2013! Retailers: We recently posted our Organized Play calendar of events for 2013 (pdf, 1.2 MB), and the first day to order our Season One 2013 Game Night Kits is January 14. With their stunning new alternate art cards, our A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Game Night Kits are likely going to be in high demand, so be sure to check back on January 14 and be among the first to place your orders. Take a second look at Westeros with the Season One 2013 Game Night Kits for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. The Seven Kingdoms will never be the same! ... Source: Behold the Mother of Dragons (http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3798) |