Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 12 December 2012, 19:17:40

Title: New Location for D6+BEER this friday.
Post by: EvilGinger on 12 December 2012, 19:17:40
This is a map link to the location for the Friday 14th of December Meeting of Derby Boardgames as it has had to be moved from the Brunswick at short notice Christmass double booking.


63 Nottingham Rd,
Derbyshire DE13QT

01332 601079 or 07811091489

Map,Liversage+Arms,+63+Nottingham+Rd,+Derby+DE1+3QT&gl=uk&ei=rWbIUKKFAeW_0QWyvIC4Bw&ved=0CHIQtgM (,Liversage+Arms,+63+Nottingham+Rd,+Derby+DE1+3QT&gl=uk&ei=rWbIUKKFAeW_0QWyvIC4Bw&ved=0CHIQtgM)

I hope its a good venue...
