Title: FFG:Join the Battle for Zverograd Post by: RSSFeeder on 08 December 2012, 03:30:08 Join the Battle for Zverograd
Campaign Book: Hades for Dust Warfare Is Now On Sale
The siege of Zverograd heats up with Campaign Book: Hades for Dust Warfare, now on sale at your local retailer and our webstore! The three powers in the world of Dust Warfare have fought to a standstill in the city of Zverograd. The Axis, Allies, and SSU are all looking for any edge in this drawn-out confrontation, and Campaign Book: Hades supplies stats for many recently released units. Each faction has a host of new forces and features to bring to bear in the battle for the city. Power up devastating Tesla weapons, utilize new special abilities, and explore new locations in and around war-torn Zverograd in this 64-page book. Superhumans and an Epic Campaign Campaign Book: Hades also features the debut of the first superhuman in Dust Warfare: Winter Child. Meet Colonel Ivan Vasiliev, a flying, one-man fortress whose radiation beam and hydraulic fists will smash the enemies of the SSU in any confrontation. The Winter Child is a living source of radioactive power, and his extraordinary armor and weapons are powered by this constant flow of energy. Superhumans and are such a powerful presence in battle that only one superhuman can be fielded per army. Also included in the book is the Hades Campaign, a large-scale and multi-round battle scenario designed for six to twelve players and featuring all three factions. Fight for the fate of Zverograd over the course of several play sessions, and see which faction can win control of the beleaguered city. Campaign Book: Hades features a new way to determine the Objectives, Deployment, and Conditions in a brand new Battle Builder created especially for the Hades Campaign. Attack Missions and Patrol Missions change the way that Scenario Points are allocated, and add an element of surprise to your strategy. Campaign Book: Hades brings more scenarios, units, and features to the battles of Dust Warfare, so head to your local retailer and pick up your copy today! ...Source: Join the Battle for Zverograd (http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3781) |