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Gaming Groups => Previous Spirit Games Events => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 06 December 2012, 21:08:06

Title: Kessel run event at Spirit Games
Post by: EvilGinger on 06 December 2012, 21:08:06
Kessel Run' X-Wing wave 2 Preview Event


We are running this at the shop on Sunday 16th December, start time 12.30  It is pre-book only, and information is being sent out first to deserving customers.

Spirit Games 114-115 Station Street Burton on Trent


Entry is £5, or £15 with an X-Wing, Tie Fighter or Advanced Tie Fighter thrown in. Squads are a maximum of 100 points, each player must bring a starter set and the necessary extras for the squad (or buy them on the day). After a few rounds the finalists play using the new ships, and the top four each take a new ship as a prize. As numbers are limited there is a good chance of  coming away with a Millennium Falcon, Slave 01, A-Wing or Tie Interceptor, all well before they come out on general release.....
