Title: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell, Episode Something! Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 16 March 2009, 01:08:40 Spirit Games, 7 onwards.
You know if you should be there and at this point it's basically invitation only, as there are more than enough regular players thanks! Lurking in a corpse-strewn crypt, will our daring (If suspiciously monstrous looking) Hero's find what they seek? Do they even know what they seek? Should they trust their new Kobold accomplice? Should they trust each other? Should Gordon Brown seek to kick-start the economy with another fiscal stimulas? Find out the answers to All or None of these Questions on Wednesday! Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell, Episode Something! Post by: CrazyFrog on 17 March 2009, 14:37:21 Sounds like a stay tuned for the next exciting adventure of Tiki Shadowfell +:beer=+::beer:
Also am loving the hat on the snake and toony shark Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell, Episode Something! Post by: EvilGinger on 17 March 2009, 17:44:58 If previous experience is any thing to go by then all we will find is more questions and leave a trail of empty nibbles packets and stray cashew nuts. Oh and lest I forget DAT's Characters will take at least one dirt nap & do something stupid and dangerous.
Perhaps Frog is right and it should be Toon Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell, Episode Something! Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 17 March 2009, 21:00:48 Are you daring me, sir? I'm sure I could lay my hands on a copy of said rule-set very easily, should I need.
And don't think that the different ruleset would lessen the cosmic horror or increase the likelyhood of snack-free answer receiving! ^_^ Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell, Episode Something! Post by: Dat on 19 March 2009, 19:31:50 I think i lived up to my reputation.
Title: Re: Tiki's Keep on the Shadowfell, Episode Something! Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 19 March 2009, 19:36:09 Though staying rather stubbornly on your feet, I note.
*note to self, add more spikes* |