Title: FFG:Find a Kessel Run Event Near You! Post by: RSSFeeder on 04 December 2012, 02:30:03 Find a Kessel Run Event Near You!
Learn Where You Can Preview Upcoming X-Wing (TM) Miniatures, Dec. 14-16 Attention all X-Wing Miniatures Game players: Retailers all over the world are gearing up to host X-Wing Kessel Run Preview Events December 14th – 16th, so find a participating venue near you and make your plans to join in on the action! As we announced three weeks ago, the second wave of expansions for X-Wing, including the legendary Millennium Falcon™ and Slave I™, is coming early in 2013. The Kessel Run Preview Event is your chance to check out these exciting ships months before they release...and even compete for the right to own them, along with the A-wing™ and TIE interceptor™.
"You Lost Her to Me, Fair and Square" Head to our list of venues now to find a participating retailer near you! To participate, players bring 100-point squadrons to a participating retailer and compete through a number of Swiss-style preliminary rounds while following all the standard rules described in the X-Wing Tournament Rules document (pdf, 4.0 MB). However, in the final round, everything changes. After the close of the preliminary rounds, the tournament’s two top players set aside their personal squads and assume control of preview squads built from the event kits. One player will field two A-wings and the incomparable Millennium Falcon. The other will field two TIE Interceptors and the versatile and deadly Slave I. Then, each of the tournament’s top four participants get to claim one of the preview expansions!
What are you waiting for? Build your 100-point X-Wing squadron now and begin practicing your maneuvers, then make your plans to compete at one of the participating venues December 14th–16th. ...Source: Find a Kessel Run Event Near You! (http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=3766) |