Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Serenity => Topic started by: CrazyFrog on 27 February 2009, 13:11:09

Title: Serenity - Out In The Black Part 2
Post by: CrazyFrog on 27 February 2009, 13:11:09
Continuing the adventure having meet some interesting people at the local bar.

Need to collet the information from the Characters past and decide on the way forward.

Meeting at the Coopers @ 19:30.

Title: Re: Serenity - Out In The Black Part 2
Post by: Dat on 27 February 2009, 19:22:15
Regarding our characters' pasts, i'd like it if Whitefire could remember and post what we all got up to prior to the campaign. This would also include the plot backstory in general and would be a great reminder to swat up on before the next session 2 weeks from now(ish). - I'm blown if i can remember any of it. :-[