Title: Traveller - Tiki's Game Post by: CrazyFrog on 13 February 2009, 10:00:24 Hopefully Tiki's online with BB today and can fully post the details.
Continuation of the game with monkey's Title: Re: Traveller - Tiki's Game Post by: EvilGinger on 13 February 2009, 12:04:20 I hope he is too as its a pain not having had intersnit access once you have got used to it.
As for the Game with Monkeys if I haddent been there and knew what it meant I would have to report that for inappropriate content see those that are at the star wars tournament tomorrow where I will be taking part if I get the chance. HintDont forget the squad Dave a very Evilginger Title: Re: Traveller - Tiki's Game Post by: EvilGinger on 21 February 2009, 15:30:27 Getting back on topic I am rather looking forward to episode two as I rather enjoyed episode one even if it was a bit too much like one of the Episodes of my Forgotten realms RQ games for our glorious leader's liking (sorry Zarni)
Will we meet any more monkeys will Whitefire get shot again will I injure myself rolling on the floor in hysterics, will Crazyfrog have yet another plan come apart under him? (should lose some of the weight of his expectations) , what was that movement some people think they saw at the end of the game? will it or some unknown unknown kill us all? Well come along and see because its a great game by a very promising young DM Title: Re: Traveller - Tiki's Game Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 21 February 2009, 21:38:10 Feel free (nay, encouraged even), to post comments/discuss/randomly go off topic in the Epsidoe-threads themselves, by the way. Heaven knows there's only so much for me to put in there, so it may as well be used for something. :)
Title: Re: Traveller - Tiki's Game Post by: Dat on 24 February 2009, 18:40:30 I'd like it if the pretty thread just wrote up what happens each session (with more pictures). This thread is great for writing randomly about anything to do with the game at all.
For instance, my character may do ANYTHING for the mechanic to continue upgrading him. Heat vision, some kind of giant chainsaw hand, an extra arm with a crushing lobster claw, improved armour, a snowplow/humanplow, mad max leathers, telescopic vision, built in sniper rifle, flying cameras shaped like screaming skulls, (-ooh a skull mask), jetpack, hoverboots (if the jetpack fails), head mounted radio antennae, cricket/flea like jumping legs, eyes in the back of my head, etc. would all be welcome. Title: Re: Traveller - Tiki's Game Post by: EvilGinger on 24 February 2009, 18:52:13 I think you might need some help lad, here try on this HUG ur Self better jacket ;)
Title: Re: Traveller - Tiki's Game Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 24 February 2009, 18:53:30 ...Mad max leathers? On a gigantic military-industrial Robot? Oh man.
Title: Re: Traveller - Tiki's Game Post by: Dat on 24 February 2009, 19:13:07 ..Don't you mean 'Oh man, he'd be the awesomest thing to hand peoples arses to them EVER!'?