Title: Picocon 30 Post by: Zarniwoop on 22 October 2012, 09:21:53 Details from their Website (http://www.union.ic.ac.uk/scc/icsf/frameset.php?warp=picocon):
Picocon 30 will be held on weekend of the 16th and 17th February 2013, in Imperial College Union. What is Picocon? Picocon is the annual one-day Science Fiction & Fantasy convention run by the Imperial College Science Fiction and Fantasy Society, ICSF (http://www.union.ic.ac.uk/scc/icsf). It usually takes place on a Saturday in February, in Imperial College's Student Union. We try not to clash with other conventions around the same time. It is a small (hence the name), affordable and convenient convention for students and fans in or near London. Registration opens at 10am, with the first scheduled events kicking off at around 10:30. The schedule concludes in the evening. At a Picocon you will encounter: