Title: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: Zarniwoop on 05 January 2009, 21:24:19 The Sixth Board game & RPG event.
Date ……. Saturday , March 28th 2009, 10:00 am till 8:00 pm Description: We're doing it all again another full day of gaming, something for everyone, all sorts of games will be played Board games, mini's, card games and Roleplaying Games. The venue is a good sized hall big enough to fit a good number of games. Bring along any games you would like to play or let us know if you are running a Role Play Game and we'll add it to this write up. Arkham Horror (Back by Popular Demand) The organisers will bring games from their collections. If you have ideas for the day let us know. Games Library supplied by Spirit Games (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk) Space available for other games Sign in Desk for all games Tea & Coffee Provided Please Note that Alcohol is not allowed on the premises. If such is required there are 3 pubs within walking distance of the venue. The Address for the Event is: The Salvation Army Citadel Mosley Street, Burton upon Trent Staffordshire. DE14 1DR Event Fee: £ 2.00 (Accompanied Children under 16 Free) Whilst children our welcome attendees younger than 18 should be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian. None of the organisers are insured, qualified, certified or trained to be responsible for minors please bear this in mind when you plan your visit to the event. Many Thanks.. Contact Details events@raidersofthegamecupboard.co.uk Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: Simiano on 18 January 2009, 03:25:27 Hehe after loving everything at the last one Ill be more prepared with my card games this time around, see you there hopefully!
Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: carldjcross on 26 March 2009, 09:26:32 Frog, was hoping to catch you at Spirit last night but apparently you had something better to do, still cleaning the house maybe? ;D
Can I put my name down for any Arkham game you may be planning on running? I've not played the newer version before and not played the original for many years. Are there still spaces on the sign up sheet that will be at the entrance? See you Saturday. Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: CrazyFrog on 26 March 2009, 10:56:27 Hi
I wish it was cleaning the house, but I was stuck at work riding around the country. No probs for Arkham. I'm aiming for about 12 start, there are currently 4 players for the game. Enjoy the game and have fun at Raiders, see you Saturday. Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: carldjcross on 26 March 2009, 13:11:53 No probs for Arkham. I'm aiming for about 12 start, there are currently 4 players for the game. Aces! I've been wanting to play this for ages, especially when I saw it all set out at the last Raiders. See you Saturday. Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: EvilGinger on 28 March 2009, 11:51:52 Raiders can we do it more often < hurriedly leaves country before raiders tream hunts him down>
seriously Raiders is better than Christmas and it happens four times a year and is far cheaper too >:DGinger Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: CrazyFrog on 29 March 2009, 01:08:58 Thanks to the organisers for making Raiders VI another great success.
+:wav=+::wav: Very please everyone enjoyed the day and also set a record for longest a group of gamers have travelled for the event (Scunthrope) Many thanks to Dat for helping out at the end of the event +:thumbup=+::thumbup: The Arkham Horror was its normal fun event today's ancient one was 'The Great Cthulhu' itsself. I also got the play Wings Of War, which I've been looking out for sometime and enjoyed greatly (Another game to purchase from Spirit) Me and Zombielord as the Hun took on Alex and Charlie as the Brits for some real wing to wing dogfights (and other strange flying formations) to win in a straight nose to nose charge across the table. Looking forward to Raider VII in July, hope to see everyone again then, if not sooner at Beer & Pretzels in May. Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: EvilGinger on 29 March 2009, 10:32:15 I got shot down in wings of war as well, and also HAVE TO GET THIS GAME a good one perhaps for an other round of the Vendetta or a Saturday tournament Allies Vrs Central powers?
>:DGinger Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: CrazyFrog on 29 March 2009, 13:04:44 I'd voted for a Saturday Tourny as me and Zombielord are planning on which planes to buy already so we dont buy the same ones.
Therefore a Saturday event would be great for lots of players and advertising the game in the shop. Forgot to add that Dat is very interested in a game, so a 4 player and some 2 player games should be easy to arrange. Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: EvilGinger on 29 March 2009, 19:47:36 I would go with that as the more players per side the better I just have to save up for some planes as there will be lots of rules sets about it would seem faster than I can justify/afford spending on a full set of games.
Ginger>:D Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: Dat on 30 March 2009, 18:26:36 There goes another free afternoon.
Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: carldjcross on 02 April 2009, 18:38:32 A bit late I know but thanks to the organisers for another great day gaming.
It was a day of long games for me with not one but two games of Talisman with an introduction to Arkham in the middle. It was also nice to meet some forum regulars in the flesh too. I can confirm that Dat's tale is just as fluffy as it appears in his photo. ;D See you all in June. Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard VI Post by: Zarniwoop on 02 April 2009, 19:56:02 Thankyou We did it we survived another day!!. We had another bumper attendance which is fantastic and everyone looked to be having a good time which is what it is all about. Also a BIG thankyou to the Salvation Army for providing the excellent hall and facilities. Once again we had a fun packed day of gaming helped by the friendly, fun and helpful people that attend. See you all next time and make sure you tell all those that could not make it what they missed and get them to come next time From all of the Raiders of the Game Cupboard Organising commitee once again: Thankyou |