Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Historical Gaming => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 16 September 2012, 12:03:08

Title: an unlicky DUCK
Post by: EvilGinger on 16 September 2012, 12:03:08
Reposted for the lardie Yahoo group this is your typical day down on the farm for a reider.....


 Is Frederick the Cruel the unluckiest raider out there.

In this last year of the second year of campaign he raided a farm. Thanks to an earlier success he arrived  on the scene while the British were without either their hearthguard or their bowmen. Although the Britons were attempting to form a shieldwall he had a unit of warriors in the farm already digging up the first lot of loot and had managed to charge with his own group of hearthguard into the rear of a group of warriors playing the Carpe Diem and a scutch of other cards routing the foe before him.

That was the high water mark. He managed to lose nearly all three of his heartguard units. He fled to the edge of the field with those he was leading twice. Both he and another of his nobles were wounded. The group at the farm never found a second lot of loot and skedaddled without it. His losses were 23 [to 8] and the British win a +6 - one more dead Frank and it would have been +7. All his forces left by neutral edges and he lost a further 3 men who never returned - who can blame them if they simply deserted.
Winter has come and he has emptied his coffers to scrape together his taxes. I hardly dare do the mortality tests.
 I'm beginning to think that this part of Hadrian's Wall country is safe. Perhaps I should start another campaign elsewhere or perhaps I should persist until Ciriel becomes king. Either way there are no battles for me in the foreseeable future only more raids.
 Have you a less lucky leader?

