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General Community => Convention thoughts and Reports => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 25 August 2012, 02:03:11

Title: Cardcoregamer - Episode 10: Gaming Events
Post by: Zarniwoop on 25 August 2012, 02:03:11
Episode 10: Gaming Events (

Interesting Episode with one or two familiar faces   +:dontknow=+::dontknow:  :-[  +:notworthy=+::notworthy:

Thanks to Cardcoregamer for putting this together and sympathetically editing my waffling  +:thumbup=+::thumbup:

Title: Re: Cardcoregamer - Episode 10: Gaming Events
Post by: EvilGinger on 26 August 2012, 17:24:49
Over all I rather liked this & trust me for a man who can edit Phil "menace to local quadrupeds" Bootherstone down to a reasonable length & keep it coherent you two are no challenge. I do have a couple of comments, which if they are criticism are intended as positive not negative.

First free accommodation, this is avalible yes, but its not really free as it is almost always at public houses & if given on the understanding that a fair amount of extra custom is generated usually on a quiet night & this is still a cost to the attendees if not the organisers up front. It is also not really all that child friendly, which is a pity as gaming is one of the few activities  people of all ages can truly enjoy together there is far too much segregation by are these days, but I digress. You will I feel also struggle to get suitable accommodation on such a basis for a medium sized or larger event.

Second, I understand Colin wants to plug his own event & very good it is too even if I can't get over their as much as I would like, but its a little bit naughty to class it with Raiders which is a rather larger event than D6+Beer is ever likely to be. I personally see it as being rather more akin to the Weekly wednesday boardgames night at Spirit Games & that's not at all a bad thing at all.

We to be honest need more of all of them if we are to turn into the nexus of the Gaming world we are clearly meant to be.
