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Gaming Groups => Pathfinder => Topic started by: Gendrill on 17 August 2012, 20:09:09

Title: Pathfinder
Post by: Gendrill on 17 August 2012, 20:09:09
So firstly I was wondering where the Pathfinder thread is? Or is Pathfinder a swear word on this forum?

Well in the hope that it is just missing I am starting it and hope to be a regular posting here, why? Well I guess the obvious reason is that when I move to Burton next year (2013) I will be willing to take over the GM reins to run this if any are interested? So this is an early test to see if the interest is here for it in Burton.

I should be able to fit in regular sessions for those that want ongoing campaigns or can run one off games at short notice if required as well. I would prefer regular sessions if possible but am well aware that work/family/personal life can often get in the way of this, so once I find out who, if any, are interested I can then try and sort out a day and time that will suit the most, as often as possible.

As I like to use maps and figures for my games I will need room to set the games up, and as I like to use HeroLab on my cranky old laptop that has a duff battery I would need access to a power socket as well, if these are not available out and about, Spirit Games maybe? Or a local Pub, I would be willing to run the games at my home if the interest is there but the space and power are not.

So please post below with any comments of your personal views of Pathfinder and your likelihood of interest/ability in playing a campaign of this at some point next year, or odd one off session’s maybe when I am available in Burton in the mean time.

Title: Re: Pathfinder
Post by: Zarniwoop on 17 August 2012, 21:51:02
I would be up for giving this a go, heard some good things about Pathfinder.

Title: Re: Pathfinder
Post by: EvilGinger on 18 August 2012, 06:26:36
It was the system Hard rain was using for her online game before she disappeared & it stopped & I ran it the one time I managed to get to a lefthandrule meet before that too disappeared. Nice take on D&D & much more like an evolution from 1st to 3.5 than 4th. I would be more than interested.

All it is is that there is no sub forum for it.


Title: Re: Pathfinder
Post by: Gendrill on 20 August 2012, 22:31:06
Cool, thanks guys, then stay tuned for more on this.

Pathfinder, for those not too sure, is basically an updated D&D 3.5 with the OGL (Open Game License) by Paizo, some call it D&D 3.75 *wink*

For those that want more info, the official site is: (

There is a great Wiki for it here: (

And a very good on line reference for nearly all the Pathfinder material is here: ( You can use this site to look up anything from nearly any book that Paizo has published for Pathfinder so far, all seem to be supported by Paizo themselves as well, Paizo often confirm the rules queries and updates or corrections.

Hope these links will be of use to those interested *smile*

Title: Re: Pathfinder
Post by: EvilGinger on 20 August 2012, 23:02:23
I would be up for giving this a go, heard some good things about Pathfinder.

& you have played it all be it only once


Title: Re: Pathfinder
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 21 August 2012, 00:14:32
And a very good on line reference for nearly all the Pathfinder material is here: ( You can use this site to look up anything from nearly any book that Paizo has published for Pathfinder so far, all seem to be supported by Paizo themselves as well,

As I understand it, something to do with being allowed to build on the 3.5 srd means that they have to, in turn, provide their own SRD thingy. Which amongst other things makes investigating the system much easier for those considering a purchase (Or trying to figure out what class to pick etc, if they are joining a game and don't have the book themselves).

Title: Re: Pathfinder
Post by: Gendrill on 22 August 2012, 20:00:35
Whatever the legal reasons, it is great for both Players and GM's as you said  8)

Title: Re: Pathfinder
Post by: EvilGinger on 22 August 2012, 20:55:58
indeed & at this end Rakshi on this forum has been threatening to run a game for a while I will have to hold them to this.
