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General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: RSSFeeder on 31 July 2012, 07:30:06

Title: 19th August: Necrognomecon 2
Post by: RSSFeeder on 31 July 2012, 07:30:06
19th August: Necrognomecon 2

Hosted by Dark Worlds Gaming Society ( at:

Henry Cort Centre,
Henry Cort Drive,
PO15 6PH

From 10:30am to approximately 10:30pm.

A mini-games convention (boards games and RPGs), hosted by Dark Worlds Gaming Society.
All-day admission is £3 (under-16s £1.50 but must be accompanied by an adult).

For more information, see their blog:

Source: 19th August: Necrognomecon 2 (