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General Community => Poetry => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 01 November 2008, 00:52:39

Title: Time - A Poem by Paul Roberts
Post by: Zarniwoop on 01 November 2008, 00:52:39
The past is like a swirling mist
In it a list
Of many things now gone
And of people who have passed on
That list is forever growing
The mist forever flowing
So leave that mist and its list of things now gone
For we must move on

The present last for a second and then it becomes the past
The present really doesn't last
The present has only a second to live
But it has plenty of pleasure to give

I wish I could know the future will be
But it stretches ahead like an endless sea
I see nothing in front or behind
Travelling forward as though I were blind
But why should I worry?
I'm not in a hurry
To find out what the future will be
So I will stop searching that sea
And anyway
Enjoy Today.

(C) Paul Roberts