Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 06 July 2012, 20:22:29

Title: Con-Quest 2013
Post by: Zarniwoop on 06 July 2012, 20:22:29
Con-Quest Midlands

At Derby Assembly Rooms

from 10am to 7pm.

This event has been running for a few years now; there's not much specific info is available just now, but watch

Title: Re: Con-Quest 2013
Post by: EvilGinger on 06 July 2012, 21:15:01
an event I keep meaning to go to but have not yet succeeded in doings so may be this year...


Title: Re: Con-Quest 2013
Post by: Darran on 15 February 2013, 23:23:19
The next Con-Quest Midlands ( takes place on Saturday May the 4th 'Be With You' 2013.

Mark the date in your diaries, calendars, year planners, and schedules!

A Star Wars/Sci-Fi themed event due to the auspicious date!

"That's no moon. Whoops, yes it is!"

Title: Re: Con-Quest 2013
Post by: Darran on 21 February 2013, 17:01:14
Feel free to share!
This year's cheesy promo video for Con-Quest 2013 on Saturday May the Fourth 'be with you' 2013.

( (

Title: Re: Con-Quest 2013
Post by: Darran on 04 March 2013, 14:38:28
Would you like free entry to Con-Quest but don't fancy being a volunteer ( Then offer to run a game in one slot and you can play for free in the other! This is a limited offer though, on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as all the tables are allocated the offer will expire.

So, how do you get yourself a table? Send your details (through the contact form on the website ( and the following information:

Title of Game
(if different from above)
Max Number of Players
Length of Game
Table Location (Quiet or Main Hall)
Preferred Slot (Morning or Afternoon)
Short Description (up to 500 words)
Tags (any short, snappy key words, such as age, experience needed, drop in or sign up?)
          e.g. PG13, newbie friendly, fairly traditional, pirates, funny accents

Once we have your details we can assign a table and put your game up on the website for all to see.


Title: Re: Con-Quest 2013
Post by: CardcoreGamer on 25 April 2013, 11:57:13
Sarah and I are going to be running some light games in the afternoon and doing a bit of promoting of Spirit Games:

King of Tokyo
Castle Panic
X-Wing Miniatures Game
Cthulhu Gloom

Title: Re: Con-Quest 2013
Post by: EvilGinger on 26 April 2013, 05:54:14
I will not be going again as this is the Day the Shop moves - I will go sooner or latter but not this year it would seem. good luck with the games demoing playing Colin.
