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The Cellar => Games and Events (Winchester Delvers) => Topic started by: Deebee on 23 June 2012, 19:16:35

Title: 14th July (Saturday) - Wargame Day
Post by: Deebee on 23 June 2012, 19:16:35
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Title: Re: Wargame Day
Post by: BaldLea on 25 June 2012, 14:18:06
I think the Geek Garage is pretty much confiirmed as Ross said he is happy to travel if he can make it. Geek Hut is still available that day as an option if required.

Maybe we should agree on game nearer the time depending on whether Ross can come and how we are feeling regarding the new 40k rules.

Title: Re: 14th July (Saturday) - Wargame Day
Post by: BigBird on 25 June 2012, 15:05:20
I spent some time speaking with one of the guys in GW - Basingstoke. They get the in-store copies on 27 June..

He seems very keen on the new system, but I don't think we would be able to get through a large game in one day with the new system. Many of the rules are turned upside down..

I like the idea of Overwatch..!

I think we should run a couple of small games, try the new rules, see how they go..

Title: Re: 14th July (Saturday) - Wargame Day
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 26 June 2012, 09:33:43
Damn, can't do the first Saturday session. Flying out to Turkey on the 14th.