Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Reviews => Topic started by: Oskar on 09 September 2008, 12:52:10

Title: Marrakech
Post by: Oskar on 09 September 2008, 12:52:10
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A Game for up to four players this is a simple game to get into, you have carpets to lay on a board around the marker, you throw a dice and move the marker round the board laying your carpets on the adjacent squares to your finishing position, [avoiding the other players carpets] if you land on another players carpet you have to pay him/her 1 coin for each carpet owned by that player in that group, when laying your carpets it is important to try and split up their groups of carpets, this will mean you pay less if you land on them again.

The game ends when all the carpets are used, the winner is the one with the most carpet squares showing once counted.

I really liked this game, I would definitely play this again and possibly buy it. :D

Title: Re: Marrakech
Post by: whitefire on 15 August 2009, 03:16:51
As games go this one is so simple, and yet so addictive and fun, that it has to be amongst the most highly recommended games.

The simple tactile quality of putting real mini-carpets down in the souk is fantastic. My children love this game as well an dit can be picked up and learnt in minutes.

A definite 5 out of 5.