Title: Into the North Post by: EvilGinger on 10 June 2012, 17:32:28 Its a month after the company left the burning city of Sijann in its wake and headed north and today they pass, as a geographer of creation would see it, form the east to the north as the first day of autumn brings a day of cold rain which does nothing to help the spirits of the company.
Pixies ball seems still to be growing all be it much more slowly than at the flying manse at Sijann, & others have there own reasons to worry most of which they are keeping to themselves. >:DGinger Title: Re: Into the North Post by: EvilGinger on 05 July 2012, 14:16:33 A note to the bewildered its posted on the calender ;D
>:DGinger Title: Re: Into the North Post by: EvilGinger on 08 July 2012, 16:49:51 Chastened by what he sees as his failure to save Sijann from whatever the Walker was even if its plan was thwarted in large part Miyoxi Tiholu has become a little withdrawn & he has thrown himself into the mundane business of the expedition & his role as magistrate. Fran seems to be very worried about something & is not sharing it.
>:DGinger |