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Gaming => Serenity => Topic started by: whitefire on 22 August 2008, 17:16:26

Title: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: whitefire on 22 August 2008, 17:16:26
Looking to see what interest there is in a Serenity mini-campaign. I call it a mini-campaign as we have loads of additional hours appear in the middle of otherwise short adventures for "stuff".
It was written as a couple of longish sessions for Continuum 2006 - have reead it through and it could be quite a good laugh.

If anyone is casually interested then post here. If desperate, post here as well.

I'd suggest using Serenity RPG system (assets / liabilities / quirks etc) as the system of play just becaiuse it is easy and I can throw plot point tokens around the room.

There will be at least one game of FARO played - so batten down the hatches, and wait for those bar room brawls.....

Title: Re: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: Zarniwoop on 22 August 2008, 18:27:03
I could be persuaded to be interested +:wave=+::wave:

Sounds like a plan....

Title: Re: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: EvilGinger on 22 August 2008, 21:27:34
not interested at the moment as I don't like the serenity rules set and background could be persuaded possibly as I would like to see Whitefire GM

Title: Re: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: CrazyFrog on 26 August 2008, 11:21:20
I'm in for day, so we can all worship at the altar of Whitefire  +:notworthy=+::notworthy:

Does it come with pregen characters?

Any chance of the rules for Faro (or is it in the players handbook ?? ) and a game of it sometime as I'm a newbie for it.

Title: Re: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: whitefire on 26 August 2008, 19:13:36
Righty ho.

I will bring a Faro board and cards along to Raiders - might even be able to slip a quick game in prior to then. You just never know. I will sort out some potted rules for the game too. I will end up needing a volunteer character to be the counter - poor you he thinks -

As far as the adventure goes it is all pre-gen characters etc.. but if you really wanted to we could have some tweaks to the attributes and complications.

Anyway we can discuss more when next we meet - this won't find time on the schedule for some time yet I suspect.

>>>>>>Simon - You can always see me GM when I do a Traveller or a Conan or an Eternal Champion game..... coming soon , watch this space.

Title: Re: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: pagbsc on 01 September 2008, 20:37:19
I would be interested in Serenity.

Also Traveller...come on stop teasing...when when when :)

Title: Re: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 September 2008, 21:51:44

Also Traveller...come on stop teasing...when when when :)

me too on the traveller front

Title: Re: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: Arnu on 05 September 2008, 23:38:57

I would be interested in both Serenity and Traveller!

Title: Re: Serenity - Unification Day - Adventure
Post by: EvilGinger on 06 September 2008, 16:39:41
whitefire I feel a mob forming you need to apease ;)