Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Red Dragon Inn => Topic started by: slug on 02 May 2012, 19:06:59

Title: Caffeine Habit
Post by: slug on 02 May 2012, 19:06:59
In our office awards ceremony I got presented with the "fierce coffee habit" frosted mug.  Now that's saying something in Seattle.

Title: Re: Caffeine Habit
Post by: CrazyFrog on 02 May 2012, 19:47:22
Congratulations. Does this mean they think you drink too much coffee. Or something else?

Title: Re: Caffeine Habit
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 May 2012, 22:23:37
Congratulations & I hope your colleagues think its a good thing.


Title: Re: Caffeine Habit
Post by: slug on 03 May 2012, 20:25:31
It's good as I am generally first in and make a pot, it's bad when I am bouncing off the ceiling.