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General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: RSSFeeder on 10 April 2012, 16:00:04

Title: 22nd-24th June: Q-Con XIX
Post by: RSSFeeder on 10 April 2012, 16:00:04
22nd-24th June: Q-Con XIX

, at Queen's University Belfast Students' Union. "Q-Con is the annual Gaming Convention hosted by Dragonslayers, the Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) Gaming and Anime Society. This year, Q-Con enters its nineteenth year of providing almost 2000 people with a weekend of gaming and anime awesome ... Q-Con features a wide selection of games and events over the convention weekend, with Role-Playing Games, Board Games, LARPs, War Games, Collectable Card Games, Console Games, Anime Screenings, Cosplay, Special Events, Exhibitors, and much more! Big events to watch out for this year include Q-ED Talks, Workshops, the Cosplay Masquerade, and Wargaming competition tournaments."

Early registration for the full weekend ticket for Q-Con costs just £15. Accommodation is available for just £19 per night - note that availability is limited. For registration/accommodation details, and information on all games and events, see

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Source: 22nd-24th June: Q-Con XIX (