Title: Beer & Pretzels 22 Post by: Zarniwoop on 09 April 2012, 17:52:41 Hiya,
Well Beer & Pretzels (http://spiritgames.co.uk/bnpdetails.php) is over for another year but here are some pictures from the event: For more images please visit my Google+ Beer & Pretzels Album (https://plus.google.com/photos/107181235392958093201/albums/5726504850524545953) This weekend long event is always well organised, as well as being warm and welcoming to everyone including new players. I managed to get a lot of games played this year, which is excellent, as well as getting to play some of my longer games again. On Saturday I Played: Kingsburg (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=618.0), Spiecherstadt (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1547.0), Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=511.0), Magnum Sal (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1419.0) and Cargo Noir (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1464.0) On Sunday I played: Infinite City (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1071.0), Merchant and Marauders (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1627.0), Spiecherstadt (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1547.0) and finished off with two games of Nuts! (http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1448.0) |