Title: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: Zarniwoop on 15 June 2008, 10:59:35 Yes Day IV is already booked and should be at our usual location.
We will have to relocate after this event due to the Hall being sold off for development. Rest assured we are looking for alternative homes and Raiders V will go ahead when we have that sorted!. Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: EvilGinger on 18 June 2008, 10:53:11 Great pity about the Venue as it was ideal but good that Raiders will continues as I can keep my hit redheads on there leashes.
Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: Zarniwoop on 01 July 2008, 01:37:18 I thought I would throw some game ideas out for this event:
I want to try out Lord of the Rings (http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/gamesin.php?UniqueNo=832) with some of the expansions. I will almost certainly run some more RoboRally. I will add to this list as we get closer, as who knows what I may want to Raid the Cupboard for this time ;) Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: Pallet Ranger on 02 September 2008, 16:40:50 It grows closer....
I'm bringing my usual selection of stuff that will no doubt sit in a box while everyone plays AH :P If anybody fancies either Twilight Struggle or 1960-The Making of the President please let me know. Check 'em out on the geek if you're not sure what they are... Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: EvilGinger on 02 September 2008, 21:49:52 Might Demo Field of glory war games rules in the hope drumming up some interest
Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: Zarniwoop on 26 September 2008, 09:28:02 So what are people bringing to Raiders?
So Far I plan to bring the following:
Plus knowing me I'll still throw some extras in for good measure ;D Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: CrazyFrog on 26 September 2008, 09:39:42 Arkham Horror + expansions No surprise there +:confused2=+::confused2:
RoboRally Killer Bunnies Shooting Ducks Kill Dr Lucky Munchkin, Ctuhulu Munchkin Pass The Pigs Pirates Just in case Horrorclix Haloclix and finally myself I think +:help=+::help: Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: Zarniwoop on 28 September 2008, 11:51:38 Thankyou A big thanks to all those who attended and helped make the day fun for all involved making all our efforts worthwhile. For an idea born in a pub we are not doing bad and its purely down to all the people who keep coming back to play games that this idea has created a viable on-going event. There will be a Fifth Day (yes we are certifiable insane) specifics will be announced via the usual channels once we've recovered +:coffee=+::coffee: Thanks to everyone who attended who helped to make this another great event. We have a new venue for next time, we will post details soon once I've redesigned all the flyers +:help=+::help: Once again we had a fun packed day of gaming helped by the friendly, fun and helpful people that attend. Thanks also to everyone who helped keep the hall tidy and helped tidy away all the tables & chairs much appreciated. See you all next time and make sure you tell all those that could not make it what they missed and get them to come next time :) From the raiders organising team once again: Thankyou Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: pagbsc on 30 September 2008, 18:15:46 Thanks for all your efforts, yet another enjoyable day (though called home far too early :-[)
Now having Tomb withdrawal. Anyone doing another game of it sometime? Only takes a hour ::) Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: Zarniwoop on 13 October 2008, 16:48:09 Pictures are up for Day IV
Gallery Here (http://www.raidersofthegamecupboard.co.uk/pages/gallery/day-four.php) Title: Re: Raiders of the Game Cupboard IV Post by: CrazyFrog on 14 October 2008, 09:41:26 Very good photos, cheers