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General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: RSSFeeder on 03 April 2012, 18:00:03

Title: 13th May: Experience Point
Post by: RSSFeeder on 03 April 2012, 18:00:03
13th May: Experience Point

Held at the Grosvenor Casino, Newcastle (which means that there's a minimum age of 18). Entry will be £5. More details at the Facebook Page (

Coming to Experience Point? Spread the word - we'd like to see people from all over the North East, we encourage hobby clubs and societies to join us and advertise at the event for free...we're also starting to list who's running what on the day - if you're a player it'll give you a chance to see what game you might want to join, for GM's it'll tell them how many players they should cater for - share the page as widely as you can! :)

Source: 13th May: Experience Point (