Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming Groups => Previous Events => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 20 May 2008, 14:54:28

Title: Runequest Forgotten Realms - 7pm
Post by: Zarniwoop on 20 May 2008, 14:54:28
Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 7:00 PM

Coopers Tavern
Cross Street
DM: Evilginger
I will start off by finishing off any character generation
which did not get done at the character generation session and
then I will plunge the would be hero's into the thick of the

I expect this to last 4-5 sessions and be an introduction to
the latest version of RQ and the evilghinger take on a classic
role playing setting

have places for up to ten and pregenerated characters are
available for those who where not at the original charactor
generation session

Title: Re: Runequest Forgotten Realms - 7pm
Post by: EvilGinger on 21 May 2008, 07:14:13
no further update on this see you all on Thursday I am looking forward to it even if the weight of books will do my knees in